get (EN)
ige, főnév

ige “get”

get; he gets; past got, part. got, gotten uk; ger. getting
  1. kap
    She got a lovely bouquet of flowers from her friend.
  2. szerez
    I went to the store and got a new phone.
  3. hoz, elhoz
    Could you get me a glass of water from the kitchen?
  4. állapotba kerül
    As the sun set, she got tired and decided to head home.
  5. állapotba hoz (valamit vagy valakit)
    The surprise party got her really excited for her birthday.
  6. rávesz (valakit valamire)
    He managed to get his friend to help him move on Saturday.
  7. odavezet (valakit)
    She got the tiny dog into the bag by giving it a treat.
  8. helyzetbe kerül
    After the lunch break, the students quickly got back to their seats for the next lesson.
  9. megtesz (egy távolságot)
    We got ten kilometers before the car broke down.
  10. nekilát (valaminek)
    You need to get working on your homework if you want to finish before dinner.
  11. menetrend szerint közlekedő járművet használni
    "Which bus do you get?" "I usually get the 3:30 bus."
  12. ajtót nyit (vagy telefonhoz megy)
    I was in the shower when the doorbell rang, so I yelled for my roommate to get it.
  13. lehetősége van (valamire)
    She gets to travel to Paris next month for work.
  14. megért (egy fogalmat)
    After explaining the joke several times, she finally said, "Oh, now I get what you mean!"
  15. kap (megjegyzést vagy véleményt)
    "You kind of look like George Clooney" "Yeah, I get that a lot."
  16. lenni (köznyelvi szenvedő szerkezet)
    She got stung by a bee.
  17. elkap (betegséget)
    She got the flu after her trip to the crowded theme park.
  18. becsap (valakit)
    She got me good with her April Fool's joke—I totally believed she had won the lottery.
  19. összezavar (valakit)
    The riddle was so tricky it completely got me; I couldn't figure out the answer at all.
  20. válaszként megadni egy dolgozaton
    After checking the manual, I finally got the correct code to reset the alarm system.
  21. elfog (különösen jogi értelemben)
    After years on the run, the detective got the fugitive.
  22. tisztán hall (és ért valamit)
    The music was so loud at the party that I couldn't get what you were saying.
  23. megsemmisít (vagy megöl)
    The mob boss ordered his henchman to get the traitor before he could testify.
  24. lemér (valamit)
    Can you get the width of the table before we buy the tablecloth?
  25. megnevettet (valakit)
    This joke always gets me.

főnév “get”

sg. get, pl. gets
  1. utód
    The farmer proudly referred to the newborn calf as his prized cow's latest get.