break (EN)
verbo, substantivo

verbo “break”

break; he breaks; past broke, part. broken; ger. breaking
  1. quebrar
    The thin ice broke under his weight.
  2. quebrar (algo)
    She accidentally broke her glasses while playing basketball.
  3. trocar (dinheiro por unidades menores)
    I need to break this fifty into tens for the garage sale tomorrow.
  4. violar
    If you break the school's dress code again, you'll receive a detention.
  5. interromper subitamente
    The loud alarm broke his concentration.
  6. terminar
    The long period of silence finally broke when she apologized.
  7. amanhecer
    Day broke, casting a soft light over the city.
  8. quebrar (fazer com que uma funcionalidade pare de funcionar corretamente)
    The latest update broke the login feature, preventing users from accessing their accounts.
  9. romper (barreira, como um selo, fita, etc.)
    He broke the tape across the door to enter the room.
  10. quebrar (sobre ondas de água)
    As the children played on the beach, they watched in awe as the waves broke against the shore.
  11. divulgar
    The journalist broke the scandal to the public, causing an uproar.
  12. embargar (quando a voz muda de tipo devido à emoção ou esforço)
    During the speech, her voice broke with every mention of her late grandmother.
  13. estabelecer (um novo recorde)
    She broke the world record for the longest free dive.
  14. dar a tacada inicial
    After winning the last game, Jake decided to let Sarah break this time.

substantivo “break”

sg. break, pl. breaks or uncountable
  1. intervalo
    After two hours of studying, she decided it was time for a quick break.
  2. recreio
    During the break, the kids talked about their new video games.
  3. férias escolares
    The students were excited for the summer break to begin.
  4. pausa (num relacionamento amoroso)
    After two years of dating, they decided to take a break to figure things out.
  5. divisão (em duas ou mais partes)
    During the fall, she suffered a break in her arm that required immediate medical attention.
  6. brecha
    Water started leaking through a small break in the dam.
  7. mudança (de como algo era feito anteriormente)
    After years of following the same routine, she decided it was time for a break from tradition.
  8. férias curtas
    After months of hard work, they finally took a weekend break in the countryside.
  9. queda (no mercado de ações)
    After the tech company's scandal was exposed, there was a significant break in its stock prices.
  10. quebra (ponto onde o texto é dividido entre linhas ou páginas)
    To ensure the chapter title stood out, she inserted a page break right after the concluding sentence of the previous chapter.
  11. quebra (em tênis, jogo ganho pelo jogador que não está sacando)
    Serena achieved a crucial break in the second set, putting her in the lead.
  12. tacada inicial
    In the game of pool, it's always exciting to see how many balls the player can scatter with the opening break.
  13. série (em sinuca, total de pontos marcados em uma vez)
    In the final frame, she managed a break of 70 points, securing her victory in the tournament.
  14. contra-ataque
    After stealing the ball from their opponents, the team quickly launched a dangerous break.
  15. efeito (a curva que uma bola de golfe faz no green devido à inclinação)
    The golfer carefully calculated the break to ensure his putt would curve right into the hole.
  16. largada
    At the break, all the horses surged forward, but one quickly took the lead.
  17. solo (parte de uma música onde alguns músicos param de tocar enquanto outros continuam)
    The crowd went wild during the guitar break.