zelfstandig naamwoord “bear”
enkelvoud bear, meervoud bears
- beer
Meld u aan om de vertalingen van voorbeeldzinnen en eentalige definities van elk woord te zien.
During our hike in the forest, we spotted a bear searching for food near the river.
- beer (belegger die verwacht dat prijzen zullen dalen)
The bear predicted a drop in tech stocks and sold his shares early.
werkwoord “bear”
infinitief bear; hij bears; verleden tijd bore; volt. deelw. borne; ger. bearing
- verdragen
She couldn't bear the thought of losing her best friend.
- dragen
The bridge can barely bear the weight of heavy trucks.
- drachtig zijn
The young woman was bearing her first child, filled with both excitement and nervousness.
- vertonen
The ancient tree bore initials carved by lovers long ago.
- dragen (een specifieke naam, titel of aanduiding hebben)
The street bore the name of the town's first mayor.
- dragen (een bepaalde rentevoet hebben)
The savings account bears an annual interest of 2%.
- koesteren
She bore a deep love for her hometown, despite having moved away years ago.
- betrekking hebben op
The price of the meal bore a direct correlation to its quality.
- bewijzen
The documents she presented bore witness to her extensive experience in the field.
- dragen (in staat zijn fysiek te ondersteunen)
The old bridge can barely bear the heavy traffic anymore.
- dragen (verantwoordelijk zijn voor kosten, verantwoordelijkheid, etc.)
As the team leader, she bore the responsibility for the project's success.
- rechtvaardigen
His symptoms bore further investigation by the specialists.
- richten (voor een wapen dat op een doel gericht is)
The sniper's rifle bore directly on the target from his hidden perch.