charter (EN)
kata benda, cêkapan

kata benda “charter”

sg. charter, pl. charters or uncountable
  1. piagam (piagam saka panguwasa kanggo nggawe lembaga lan netepake tujuan lan hak-hake)
    The university was founded based on a charter granted by the government, outlining its rights to award degrees and conduct research.
  2. piagam (dokumen kang menehi hak lan keistimewaan marang individu utawa kelompok)
    The university received a royal charter granting it the status of an independent institution.
  3. piagam (kertas resmi saka pemerintah utawa pemimpin kanggo ngidini pembentukan organisasi, kutha, utawa universitas kanthi hak-hak tartamtu)
    The city was officially recognized when it was granted its charter by the queen in 1750.
  4. kontrak sewa (perjanjian kanggo nyewa kapal utawa ruang ing kapal kanggo tujuan dagang)
    The company signed a charter to lease a yacht for their annual team-building cruise.

cêkapan “charter”

charter; he charters; past chartered, part. chartered; ger. chartering
  1. ngumumake (ngresmikake pendirian organisasi, kutha, utawa universitas anyar kanthi hak-hak istimewa)
    The government chartered the new university, granting it the authority to award degrees.
  2. nyewa (nyewa pesawat, prau, lsp., kanggo panggunaan pribadi)
    For their annual company retreat, they chartered a bus to transport all employees to the beach resort.