daiktavardis “charter”
Vienaskaita charter, daugiskaita charters arba neiskaitomas
- chartija
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
The university was founded based on a charter granted by the government, outlining its rights to award degrees and conduct research.
- privilegijų aktas
The university received a royal charter granting it the status of an independent institution.
- įsteigimo aktas (suteikiantis tam tikras teises)
The city was officially recognized when it was granted its charter by the queen in 1750.
- nuomos sutartis (dėl laivo ar vietos laive)
The company signed a charter to lease a yacht for their annual team-building cruise.
veiksmažodis “charter”
bendratis charter; jis charters; būt. laik. chartered; būd. dal. chartered; dalyv. chartering
- įsteigti (su specialiomis teisėmis)
The government chartered the new university, granting it the authority to award degrees.
- nuomoti (lėktuvą, valtį ir pan. asmeniniam naudojimui)
For their annual company retreat, they chartered a bus to transport all employees to the beach resort.