beg (EN)

cêkapan “beg”

beg; he begs; past begged, part. begged; ger. begging
  1. njaluk kanthi ikhlas utawa rendah hati
    She begged her friend to lend her the dress for the party.
  2. njaluk tulung utawa dhuwit saka wong liya, asring ana ing papan umum
    She begged her friend for a loan to pay her rent.
  3. nyebabake reaksi negatif utawa kekerasan liwat tumindak utawa prilaku (nyebabake masalah)
    By constantly teasing that stray dog, you're begging for a bite.
  4. butuh banget utawa kurang soko
    The barren landscape begged for rain to quench its thirst.
  5. (ing ungkapan "njaluk pitakonan") ngundang (pitakonan sing cetha)
    His explanation about the project's delay begs the question of why there was no prior communication.