
unlike (EN)
adjective, preposition, verb, noun

adjective “unlike”

base form unlike (more/most)
  1. different from someone or something else; not similar
    The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.

preposition “unlike”

  1. in contrast to; as opposed to
    Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
  2. not typical of someone's usual character
    It's unlike her to forget important dates.

verb “unlike”

infinitive unlike; he unlikes; past tense unliked; past part. unliked; ger. unliking
  1. (on social media) to remove one's "like" from a post or page
    She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.

noun “unlike”

singular unlike, plural unlikes
  1. (on social media) the action of removing one's "like" from a post or page
    The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.