صفت “unlike”
فرم پایه unlike (more/most)
- متفاوت از
ثبتنام کنید تا ترجمههای جملات نمونه و تعاریف تکزبانه هر کلمه را ببینید.
The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.
حرف اضافه “unlike”
- برخلاف
Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
- برخلاف (غیرمعمول برای)
It's unlike her to forget important dates.
فعل “unlike”
مصدر unlike؛ او unlikes؛ گذشته unliked؛ اسم مفعول unliked؛ اسم مصدر unliking
- لغو پسند
She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.
اسم “unlike”
مفرد unlike، جمع unlikes
- لغو پسند (عمل)
The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.