
unlike (EN)
adjektivo, prepozicio, verbo, substantivo

adjektivo “unlike”

baza formo unlike (more/most)
  1. malsama ol
    The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.

prepozicio “unlike”

  1. kontraste al
    Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
  2. netipa por
    It's unlike her to forget important dates.

verbo “unlike”

infinitivo unlike; li unlikes; pasinteco unliked; pasinta part. unliked; ger. unliking
  1. malŝati (en sociaj retoj)
    She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.

substantivo “unlike”

sing. unlike, plur. unlikes
  1. malŝato (en sociaj retoj)
    The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.