
unlike (EN)
विशेषण, पूर्वसर्ग, क्रिया, संज्ञा

विशेषण “unlike”

मूल रूप unlike (more/most)
  1. फरक
    The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.

पूर्वसर्ग “unlike”

  1. विपरीत
    Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
  2. असामान्य (व्यक्तिको सामान्य चरित्रको विपरीत)
    It's unlike her to forget important dates.

क्रिया “unlike”

अनन्त unlike; ऊ unlikes; भूत काल unliked; भूत कृदन्त unliked; कृदन्त unliking
  1. अनलाइक गर्नु
    She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.

संज्ञा “unlike”

एकवचन unlike, बहुवचन unlikes
  1. अनलाइक
    The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.