صفة “unlike”
الصيغة الأساسية unlike (more/most)
- مختلف عن
سجّل لرؤية ترجمات الجمل المثال والتعريفات الأحادية لكل كلمة.
The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.
حرف الجر “unlike”
- على عكس
Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
- ليس من عادة
It's unlike her to forget important dates.
فعل “unlike”
مصدر unlike؛ هو unlikes؛ ماضٍ unliked؛ مفعول unliked؛ فاعل unliking
- إلغاء الإعجاب
She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.
اسم “unlike”
- إلغاء الإعجاب (الفعل)
The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.