
unlike (EN)

形容詞 “unlike”

基本形 unlike (more/most)
  1. 異なる
    The painting is quite unlike anything I've ever seen before.

前置詞 “unlike”

  1. とは異なり
    Unlike last year, we had a warm winter.
  2. らしくない
    It's unlike her to forget important dates.

動詞 “unlike”

不定詞 unlike; 三単現 unlikes; 過去形 unliked; 過去分詞 unliked; 動名詞 unliking
  1. いいねを取り消す
    She unliked the video after realizing it was misleading.

名詞 “unlike”

単数 unlike、複数 unlikes
  1. いいねの取り消し
    The controversial post led to many unlikes on their profile.