sequence (EN)
noun, verb

noun “sequence”

sg. sequence, pl. sequences or uncountable
  1. a group of items arranged one after another in a specific order
    The sequence of numbers on the lock was 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  2. the order in which something occurs
    The recipe must be followed in a particular sequence to bake the cake properly.
  3. a part of a movie that focuses on a single subject or consists of just one scene
    The action sequence at the end of the film was full of thrilling stunts and explosions.
  4. a pattern in music where a theme or melody is repeated with slight variations each time
    The sequence in the song had the same tune played higher and higher each time.
  5. a piece of music played during some Catholic Masses, often found between readings
    During the Easter Mass, the choir sang a beautiful sequence that moved everyone to tears.
  6. (in mathematics) an ordered list of elements indexed with natural numbers
    The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 shows the even numbers in order.
  7. (in card games) a set of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit
    In the game, she laid down a sequence of the seven, eight, and nine of spades.

verb “sequence”

sequence; he sequences; past sequenced, part. sequenced; ger. sequencing
  1. (in biochemistry) to identify the order of components within a biological molecule like a protein or DNA
    The scientists sequenced the DNA to find out the exact order of the bases.
  2. to put things in a specific order
    She sequenced the photos from their vacation by date.
  3. to create music using a sequencer
    She sequenced the entire song using her new digital music software.