sequence (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord, werkwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “sequence”

sg. sequence, pl. sequences or uncountable
  1. reeks
    The sequence of numbers on the lock was 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  2. volgorde
    The recipe must be followed in a particular sequence to bake the cake properly.
  3. 'n deel van 'n rolprent wat op 'n enkele onderwerp fokus of net uit een toneel bestaan
    The action sequence at the end of the film was full of thrilling stunts and explosions.
  4. 'n patroon in musiek waar 'n tema of melodie elke keer met geringe variasies herhaal word
    The sequence in the song had the same tune played higher and higher each time.
  5. 'n musiekstuk wat tydens sommige Katolieke Mis gespeel word, dikwels tussen lesings gevind
    During the Easter Mass, the choir sang a beautiful sequence that moved everyone to tears.
  6. ry
    The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 shows the even numbers in order.
  7. volgorde (in kaartspeletjies)
    In the game, she laid down a sequence of the seven, eight, and nine of spades.

werkwoord “sequence”

sequence; he sequences; past sequenced, part. sequenced; ger. sequencing
  1. (in biochemie) om die volgorde van komponente binne 'n biologiese molekule soos 'n proteïen of DNA te identifiseer
    The scientists sequenced the DNA to find out the exact order of the bases.
  2. rangskik
    She sequenced the photos from their vacation by date.
  3. musiek skep (met 'n sequencer)
    She sequenced the entire song using her new digital music software.