nimisõna “sequence”
ainsus sequence, mitmus sequences või loendamatu
- jada
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
The sequence of numbers on the lock was 3, 5, 7, and 9.
- järjestus
The recipe must be followed in a particular sequence to bake the cake properly.
- osa filmist, mis keskendub ühele teemale või koosneb vaid ühest stseenist
The action sequence at the end of the film was full of thrilling stunts and explosions.
- muusikas muster, kus teema või meloodia kordub iga kord väikeste variatsioonidega
The sequence in the song had the same tune played higher and higher each time.
- katoliku missade ajal mõnikord lugemiste vahel mängitav muusikapala
During the Easter Mass, the choir sang a beautiful sequence that moved everyone to tears.
- jada (matemaatikas)
The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 shows the even numbers in order.
- mastijärjestus
In the game, she laid down a sequence of the seven, eight, and nine of spades.
tegusõna “sequence”
infinitiiv sequence; ta sequences; minevik sequenced; mineviku kesks. sequenced; ger. sequencing
- (biokeemias) bioloogilise molekuli, nagu valgu või DNA, komponentide järjestuse määramine
The scientists sequenced the DNA to find out the exact order of the bases.
- järjestama
She sequenced the photos from their vacation by date.
- sekveneerima (muusika loomisel)
She sequenced the entire song using her new digital music software.