Substantiv “sheet”
Sg. sheet, Pl. sheets od. unz.
- Blatt
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Please hand out these sheets of paper to the class.
- Bettlaken
She washed the sheets and hung them out to dry.
- Platte
The mechanic used a sheet of metal to repair the car.
- Schicht
The lake was covered with a thin sheet of ice.
- Vorhang (aus Regen oder Schnee)
The rain was coming down in sheets, soaking everyone outside.
- Schot (nautisch: ein Seil, das verwendet wird, um den Winkel eines Segels zum Wind zu steuern)
He pulled on the sheet to adjust the sail.
- Spielfläche (beim Curling)
The teams stepped onto the curling sheet for their match.
- Fläche (aus Gestein oder Eis)
Scientists studied the ice sheet covering Greenland.
Verb “sheet”
Infinitiv sheet; er sheets; Prät. sheeted; Part. sheeted; Ger. sheeting
- strömen
The rain sheeted down, flooding the streets.
- einhüllen
They sheeted the furniture before painting the walls.
- in Platten formen
The factory sheets metal into thin panels.
- ein Segel mit einer Schot (Seil) trimmen
The crew sheeted the sails to navigate the wind.