working (EN)
nom, adjectiu

Aquesta paraula també pot ser una forma de:
work (verb)

nom “working”

sg. working, pl. workings or uncountable
  1. la manera com alguna cosa funciona
    The working of the new software is user-friendly and intuitive.
  2. els càlculs fets com a part de la resolució d'un problema matemàtic més gran
    During the math test, I made sure to write down all my workings on the side of the page.
  3. la fermentació
    The working of the dough in the bakery caused it to rise and become ready for baking.
  4. el procés d'ompliment d'un cos d'aigua amb material vegetal
    The pond is working with algae, making it difficult for the fish to survive.
  5. el lloc on es realitza un tipus determinat de treball
    The factory workings were loud and filled with the clatter of machinery.

adjectiu “working”

working, non-gradable
  1. actualment en funcionament o actiu
    I need a working car.
  2. adequat per a l'ús però necessitant millores o refinament (suficient però millorable)
    The architect provided us with a working model of the new building.
  3. que té una feina que paga sous o salaris
    The new policy offers more flexibility for working parents.
  4. relacionat amb els aspectes de tenir i fer una feina
    Many employees look forward to the weekend after a long working week.
  5. suficient per a l'ús pràctic o l'enteniment
    She has a working understanding of French, enough to get by on her trip to Paris.
  6. aplicable i utilitzable en situacions quotidianes
    The working solution to the software bug was not elegant, but it kept the system running until a patch could be developed.