closed (EN)

Aquesta paraula també pot ser una forma de:
close (verb)

adjectiu “closed”

closed, non-gradable
  1. tancat
    The jar was tightly closed, so I couldn't get to the cookies inside.
  2. tancat (per a impedir el pas de fluids)
    The plumber closed the valve to stop the water from gushing out of the broken pipe.
  3. tancat (en un circuit elèctric, permetent el pas del corrent)
    Make sure the circuit is closed before you try to turn on the light.
  4. tancat (per a clients o activitats comercials)
    The sign on the door read "We're closed" as I arrived at the shop after hours.
  5. tancat (restringit a certes persones)
    The meeting was a closed event, accessible only to company employees.
  6. tancat (en topologia, conté tots els seus punts límit)
    The set of all points inside a circle is closed because it includes its boundary.