closed (EN)

Це слово також може бути формою:
close (дієслово)

прикметник “closed”

closed, non-gradable
  1. закритий
    The jar was tightly closed, so I couldn't get to the cookies inside.
  2. перекритий (для зупинки руху рідини)
    The plumber closed the valve to stop the water from gushing out of the broken pipe.
  3. замкнений (у контексті електричного кола)
    Make sure the circuit is closed before you try to turn on the light.
  4. не працює (у контексті закладів)
    The sign on the door read "We're closed" as I arrived at the shop after hours.
  5. обмежений (доступний лише для певних осіб)
    The meeting was a closed event, accessible only to company employees.
  6. замкнений (у математичному сенсі, у топології)
    The set of all points inside a circle is closed because it includes its boundary.