working (EN)
kata nama, kata sifat

Perkataan ini juga boleh menjadi bentuk:
work (kata kerja)

kata nama “working”

sg. working, pl. workings or uncountable
  1. cara sesuatu berfungsi
    The working of the new software is user-friendly and intuitive.
  2. pengiraan yang dilakukan sebagai sebahagian daripada penyelesaian masalah matematik yang lebih besar
    During the math test, I made sure to write down all my workings on the side of the page.
  3. penapaian
    The working of the dough in the bakery caused it to rise and become ready for baking.
  4. proses badan air yang dipenuhi dengan bahan tumbuhan
    The pond is working with algae, making it difficult for the fish to survive.
  5. lokasi di mana jenis kerja tertentu dilakukan
    The factory workings were loud and filled with the clatter of machinery.

kata sifat “working”

working, non-gradable
  1. sedang beroperasi atau aktif
    I need a working car.
  2. memadai untuk digunakan tetapi memerlukan penambahbaikan atau penyempurnaan
    The architect provided us with a working model of the new building.
  3. mempunyai pekerjaan yang dibayar gaji
    The new policy offers more flexibility for working parents.
  4. berkaitan dengan aspek memiliki dan melakukan pekerjaan
    Many employees look forward to the weekend after a long working week.
  5. mencukupi untuk kegunaan praktikal atau pemahaman
    She has a working understanding of French, enough to get by on her trip to Paris.
  6. boleh digunakan dalam situasi harian
    The working solution to the software bug was not elegant, but it kept the system running until a patch could be developed.