adjectiu “offshore”
forma base offshore, no gradable
- mar endins
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They built an offshore wind farm to harness energy from the ocean winds.
- allunyant-se de la costa
The offshore breeze carried the sailboat smoothly across the water.
- en un altre país (especialment amb avantatges fiscals)
The company opened an offshore subsidiary to reduce their operating expenses.
adverbi “offshore”
- mar endins
The fishermen sailed offshore early in the morning to catch more fish.
- a certa distància de la costa
The oil rig was positioned offshore, barely visible from the coastline.
verb “offshore”
infinitiu offshore; ell offshores; passat offshored; part. pass. offshored; ger. offshoring
- deslocalitzar
Many companies offshore their customer service departments to benefit from lower labor costs.