kata sifat “offshore”
bentuk asas offshore, tidak boleh digredkan
- luar pesisir
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan ayat contoh dan definisi monolingual bagi setiap perkataan.
They built an offshore wind farm to harness energy from the ocean winds.
- menjauhi pantai
The offshore breeze carried the sailboat smoothly across the water.
- luar negara (terutamanya berkaitan cukai atau kos buruh)
The company opened an offshore subsidiary to reduce their operating expenses.
kata keterangan “offshore”
- menjauhi pantai
The fishermen sailed offshore early in the morning to catch more fish.
- jauh dari pantai
The oil rig was positioned offshore, barely visible from the coastline.
kata kerja “offshore”
infinitif offshore; dia offshores; l.b. offshored; l.t. offshored; ger. offshoring
- memindahkan ke luar negara (untuk mengurangkan kos)
Many companies offshore their customer service departments to benefit from lower labor costs.