
borrow (EN)

动词 “borrow”

不定式 borrow; 三单 borrows; 过式 borrowed; 过分 borrowed; 动名 borrowing
  1. She asked to borrow a book from the library.
  2. 借款
    They planned to borrow from the bank to buy a new car.
  3. 采用他人或其他来源的想法或方法。
    The artist borrowed styles from different cultures to create her unique paintings.
  4. 向某人简短地请求时间或帮助
    Could I borrow you for a second to help me carry these boxes?
  5. 借用(在语言学中,指从另一种语言中采用一个词)
    Many English words are borrowed from Latin and Greek.
  6. 借位 (数学中,从更高位的数字中借一并加到下一位的数字上进行减法)
    When subtracting 9 from 23, you need to borrow from the tens place.

名词 “borrow”

  1. 借坡(高尔夫中,果岭上影响球路的坡度)
    The player carefully studied the borrow before making his putt.
  2. 取土(在建筑中,材料从一个地方挖出以用作另一个地方的填充物)
    The construction crew used borrow from the nearby hill to build up the roadway.