folje “run”
infinitiv run; ai runs; e shkuar ran; pjes. e shkuar run; ger. running
- vrapoj
Regjistrohuni për të parë përkthimet e fjalive shembull dhe përkufizimet njëgjuhëshe të çdo fjale.
She runs five miles every day to stay fit.
- vrapoj
Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes?
- iki
The suspect ran from the police but was caught.
- drejtoj
He runs a small business selling handmade furniture.
- bëhem (në një mënyrë të keqe)
The fields are running dry due to the drought.
- jam (në një gjendje problematike)
We are running low on supplies.
- funksionoj
The computer was running all night to complete the analysis.
- vë në punë
Can you run the washing machine while I'm out?
- luaj
The tape has been running for 5 minutes.
- kryej
They are running a training session for new employees.
- shtrihem
The road runs from the coast to the mountains.
- zgjas
The contract will run for three years from now.
- kandidoj
She decided to run for mayor next year.
- rrjedh
Tears ran down her cheeks as she said goodbye.
- lë të rrjedhë
He ran warm water into the bath.
- mbulohem
Her body was running with sweat after the workout.
- çahem
Oh no, my stockings are beginning to run.
- përmbaj
The story ran “Once upon a time ...”
- publikoj
The newspaper ran the story on the front page.
- përhapem
Be careful washing that red shirt; the color might run.
- udhëtoj
The bus runs between the airport and the city center.
- bëj të udhëtojë
The company runs trains between the London and Birmingham.
- kaloj
He ran his fingers through his girlfriends hair.
- çoj
Could you please run me home?
- migroj
Salmon run upstream in the autumn.
- kontrabandoj
They were arrested for running drugs across the border.
emër “run”
njëjës run, shumës runs
- vrapim
She goes for a run every morning before work.
- periudhë suksesi
The team is on a winning run this season.
- udhëtim
The bus makes its run every hour between the station and the airport.
- rrjedhje
After the storm, there was a run of water down the street.
- vrap (në bejsboll)
He hit a home run in the final inning.
- kandidim
Donald Trump made an unsuccessful run for president in 2020.
- shfaqje
The new musical had a successful run on Broadway.
- vrap (kur klientët besojnë se banka mund të dështojë së shpejti)
There was a run on the bank after the news spread.
- grisje (në çorape)
She noticed a run in her stocking before the meeting.
- hapësirë e mbyllur
The rabbits are kept in a large outdoor run.
- sekuencë
He had a run of three spades in his hand.