in (EN)
priepozicija, prieveiksmis, būdvardis, daiktavardis, santrumpa

priepozicija “in”

  1. viduje
    The cookies are in the jar.
  2. į (kryptis)
    She slipped her hand in her pocket, feeling for her keys.
  3. apsirengęs
    He arrived in a suit and tie for the interview.
  4. priklausantis (grupei ar kategorijai)
    She was in the choir during her high school years.
  5. per (laiko tarpą)
    The flowers bloom in spring.
  6. per (nustatytą laiką)
    I need to finish the assignment in two days.
  7. po
    The train will arrive in an hour.
  8. baigiantis
    Words in -ing often denote an ongoing action.
  9. išdėstyta (tam tikra seka)
    The books are arranged in alphabetical order on the shelf.
  10. būsenoje (emocinėje ar fizinėje)
    She left the room in tears.
  11. įgimtas (prigimtyje ar asmenybėje)
    There is a lot of courage in that young soldier.
  12. dėl
    We've seen a significant improvement in your grades.
  13. forma (keičiama ar teikiama)
    I was paid in euros for my work abroad.
  14. parašyta (kalba ar stiliumi)
    The instructions were written in Spanish.

prieveiksmis “in”

  1. vidun
    When I knocked, she called out for me to come in.
  2. artėjant
    The geese are flying in for the winter.
  3. po (nurodyto laiko)
    The plot started to thicken about an hour in.
  4. veikla (nurodyta veiksmažodžio)
    The community organized a sit-in at the park.

būdvardis “in”

in, non-gradable
  1. namie (arba darbo vietoje)
    I knocked on the door to see if anyone was in.
  2. žaidimo aikštelėje (sporto kontekste)
    The referee declared the ball in after it landed on the line.
  3. įdėtas (į poziciją ar vietą)
    Make sure the USB is in properly before you start the computer.
  4. gautas
    All the applications are in, so we can start the selection process.
  5. madingas
    Wearing vintage clothes is really in right now.
  6. žaidžiantis (mušant)
    The opening batsman is in and playing confidently.
  7. draugiškas (su kažkuo)
    She's in with the management, so she gets to hear news first.
  8. išleidęs (tam tikrą sumą)
    I'm already $100 in at the poker table.

daiktavardis “in”

sg. in, pl. ins
  1. proga (patekti ar įgyti palankumą)
    Having a relative there gave him an in for the job.
  2. valdžioje (ar pareigose esantys asmenys)
    The ins are currently leading the polls.
  3. eilė (mušti, sporto kontekste)
    The batter is in and facing the next pitch.

santrumpa “in”

  1. col.
    The board was cut to 10 in pieces.