space (EN)
명사, 동사

명사 “space”

sg. space, pl. spaces or uncountable
  1. 우주
    Astronauts aboard the International Space Station experience the wonders of space firsthand.
  2. 공간 (물리학이나 수학에서의 개념으로)
    The concept of space-time fascinates physicists who study the fabric of the cosmos.
  3. 간격
    Please leave some space between each chair to allow people to walk through.
  4. 시간 (기간이나 간격의 의미로)
    He managed to finish the entire project in the space of a week.
  5. 여유 (개인의 안녕을 위해 필요한)
    After the argument, she told her partner that she needed some space to think.
  6. 공간 (한정된 경계 내의 비어 있는)
    The empty warehouse offered a vast space for the new art installation.
  7. 공백 (오선지에 둘러싸인 위치로서)
    When reading sheet music, remember that the note F is located on the first space of the treble clef.
  8. 공백 (텍스트에서의 빈 영역이나 그런 빈 영역을 만드는 문자)
    Remember to add a space after each comma when writing a sentence.
  9. 공간 (공통 속성을 공유하는 요소들의 집합으로서의 수학적 개념)
    In topology, a topological space is a fundamental concept that includes notions of nearness and continuity.
  10. 분야 (특정한 관심사나 활동의)
    The company is looking to expand its presence in the renewable energy space.

동사 “space”

space; he spaces; past spaced, part. spaced; ger. spacing
  1. 배치하다 (객체나 점들 사이에 간격을 두어)
    The landscaper spaced the shrubs evenly along the path to create a symmetrical look.
  2. 조정하다 (텍스트의 분포를 간격이나 공백을 이용하여)
    The editor instructed the writer to space the paragraphs more evenly throughout the document.