space (EN)
именка, глагол

именка “space”

sg. space, pl. spaces or uncountable
  1. вселена
    Astronauts aboard the International Space Station experience the wonders of space firsthand.
  2. простор (во контекст на физика и математика)
    The concept of space-time fascinates physicists who study the fabric of the cosmos.
  3. интервал (меѓу објекти или точки)
    Please leave some space between each chair to allow people to walk through.
  4. временски период
    He managed to finish the entire project in the space of a week.
  5. простор (за лична употреба и благосостојба)
    After the argument, she told her partner that she needed some space to think.
  6. празен простор (во дефинирани граници)
    The empty warehouse offered a vast space for the new art installation.
  7. простор (во музичка нотација)
    When reading sheet music, remember that the note F is located on the first space of the treble clef.
  8. празно место (во текст или карактер за создавање на такво место)
    Remember to add a space after each comma when writing a sentence.
  9. простор (во математика, множество со елементи со заеднички атрибут)
    In topology, a topological space is a fundamental concept that includes notions of nearness and continuity.
  10. област (домен или поле на интерес или активност)
    The company is looking to expand its presence in the renewable energy space.

глагол “space”

space; he spaces; past spaced, part. spaced; ger. spacing
  1. разредување (на објекти или точки со интервали помеѓу нив)
    The landscaper spaced the shrubs evenly along the path to create a symmetrical look.
  2. разредување (на текст со интервали или празнини)
    The editor instructed the writer to space the paragraphs more evenly throughout the document.