sifat “strong”
strong, luwih stronger, paling strongest
- kuwat
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The strong horse easily pulled the heavy cart up the hill.
- tahan (nalika ngadhepi gaya fisik)
The bridge was built with strong steel beams to endure the weight of heavy traffic.
- ageng (ing babagan kuwasa utawa kekuatan)
This political party is very strong.
- teguh (ing keputusan utawa tujuan)
Despite numerous setbacks, she remained strong in her commitment to open the community center.
- sehat (ora gampang kena penyakit)
This broth will keep you strong in winter.
- kenthel (ing pengaruh marang indra)
The strong aroma of garlic filled the kitchen as soon as the cloves hit the hot pan.
- endhek (ing babagan ambu utawa rasa)
The cheese left in the fridge had developed such a strong odor that it filled the entire kitchen as soon as the door was opened.
- kasar (ing basa utawa ungkapan)
His speech contained strong words that shocked the audience.
- kenthel (ngandhut kandungan zat utawa bahan sing dhuwur)
That's a really strong coffee.
- owah (ing pola infleksi sing biasane melibatke owah-owahan vokal)
The verb "sing" becomes "sang" in the past tense, which makes it a strong verb due to the vowel change.
- tegas (diucapake kanthi tekanan utawa stres)
In the sentence "I want tea and cookies," the word "and" is usually pronounced in its strong form, /ænd/, for emphasis.
- sugih (kaya ing babagan ekonomi utawa sumber daya)
Despite the global financial crisis, the country maintained a strong economy.
- akèh (digawe saka sawetara individu utawa unit)
The choir was impressive, eighty voices strong, filling the hall with harmonious melodies.
- kuwat (ing matematika, nuduhake asil logika sing amba)
The theorem is strong enough to encompass several corollaries, making it a powerful tool for mathematicians.