strong (EN)
kata sifat

kata sifat “strong”

strong, stronger, strongest
  1. kuat
    The strong horse easily pulled the heavy cart up the hill.
  2. tahan (dalam konteks tahan terhadap gaya fisik)
    The bridge was built with strong steel beams to endure the weight of heavy traffic.
  3. berkuasa
    This political party is very strong.
  4. tegas (dalam konteks keputusan atau tujuan)
    Despite numerous setbacks, she remained strong in her commitment to open the community center.
  5. sehat (dalam konteks tidak mudah sakit)
    This broth will keep you strong in winter.
  6. intens (dalam konteks pengaruh terhadap indera)
    The strong aroma of garlic filled the kitchen as soon as the cloves hit the hot pan.
  7. menyengat (dalam konteks bau atau rasa)
    The cheese left in the fridge had developed such a strong odor that it filled the entire kitchen as soon as the door was opened.
  8. kasar (dalam konteks bahasa atau ekspresi)
    His speech contained strong words that shocked the audience.
  9. pekat (dalam konteks kandungan zat atau bahan)
    That's a really strong coffee.
  10. berubah vokal (dalam konteks pola infleksi)
    The verb "sing" becomes "sang" in the past tense, which makes it a strong verb due to the vowel change.
  11. tegas (dalam konteks pengucapan dengan penekanan)
    In the sentence "I want tea and cookies," the word "and" is usually pronounced in its strong form, /ænd/, for emphasis.
  12. kaya (dalam konteks kekayaan atau sumber daya)
    Despite the global financial crisis, the country maintained a strong economy.
  13. beranggotakan (dalam konteks jumlah individu atau unit)
    The choir was impressive, eighty voices strong, filling the hall with harmonious melodies.
  14. kuat (dalam konteks matematika yang menghasilkan berbagai kesimpulan logis)
    The theorem is strong enough to encompass several corollaries, making it a powerful tool for mathematicians.