new (EN)
sifat, kata kriya

sifat “new”

new, newer, newest
  1. anyar
    There is a new restaurant opening downtown.
  2. anyar (ditemokake utawa ditambahake anyar-anyar iki)
    The scientist was thrilled to introduce a new species of frog to the academic community.
  3. anyar, tegese luwih anyar tinimbang liyane ing wektu utawa urutan.
    After the promotion, she moved into her new office, which was much larger than her cubicle.
  4. durung tau dipigunakaké utawa dipakai sadurungé
    He was excited to wear his new suit to the job interview.
  5. katon utawa rumasa luwih seger utawa luwih pulih
    After a good night's sleep, she felt like a new person, ready to tackle the day.
  6. anyar lair
    The new puppies at the pet store were so adorable that I wanted to take one home.
  7. anyar (durung tau ketemu utawa dialami sadurungé)
    Moving to a new country introduced him to customs and traditions he had never experienced before.
  8. anyar teka utawa wiwit
    The new teacher received a warm welcome from the students and faculty.
  9. durung kenal karo tugas utawa situasi
    It's okay to make mistakes since you're new to playing the guitar.
  10. anyar (ngarujuk marang periode wektu sabanjuré utawa sing anyar diwiwiti)
    Everyone is excited about the new quarter and the business it will bring.

kata kriya “new”

  1. maneh (wiwit saka wiwitan)
    After the fire, the community decided to start new and rebuild the town center.