sostantivo “instrument”
sing. instrument, pl. instruments
- strumento (un dispositivo usato per fare musica)
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She plays several musical instruments, including the piano and the flute.
- strumento (un attrezzo o utensile usato per lavori di precisione, ad esempio chirurgici)
The surgeon carefully selected his instruments before starting the operation.
- strumento (di misurazione)
The laboratory is equipped with sensitive instruments to detect radiation.
- mezzo
The internet has become a powerful instrument of communication worldwide.
- un documento legale formale
They signed the instrument to finalize the sale of the property.
- strumento (finanza, un bene negoziabile o un contratto legale che detiene valore monetario)
The fund manager traded several instruments on the exchange.
- strumento (persona usata da altri)
He felt like he was an instrument in their political campaign.