
instrument (EN)

Nafnorð “instrument”

eintala instrument, fleirtala instruments
  1. hljóðfæri (tæki sem notað er til að búa til tónlist)
    She plays several musical instruments, including the piano and the flute.
  2. áhald (verkfæri eða tæki notað til nákvæmra verka, til dæmis skurðaðgerða)
    The surgeon carefully selected his instruments before starting the operation.
  3. mælitæki
    The laboratory is equipped with sensitive instruments to detect radiation.
  4. tæki (til að ná fram tilgangi)
    The internet has become a powerful instrument of communication worldwide.
  5. formlegt lagalegt skjal
    They signed the instrument to finalize the sale of the property.
  6. fjárgerningur (fjármál, eign sem hægt er að versla með eða lagalegur samningur sem hefur peningalegt gildi)
    The fund manager traded several instruments on the exchange.
  7. verkfæri (maður notaður af öðrum)
    He felt like he was an instrument in their political campaign.