
security (EN)

Nafnorð “security”

eintala security, fleirtala securities eða óteljanlegt
  1. öryggi
    They moved to a safer neighborhood for their children's security.
  2. öryggisráðstafanir
    Security at the event was tight, with guards at every entrance.
  3. öryggisdeild (eða starfsfólk)
    If you see anything suspicious, please inform security immediately.
  4. öryggi (tölvunarfræði, vernd gagna gegn óviðkomandi aðgangi; netöryggi)
    They need to improve their security to prevent hacking.
  5. fjárfestingareign eins og hlutabréf eða skuldabréf sem hægt er að eiga viðskipti með
    The company issued new securities to raise capital.
  6. veð (eignir eða fjármunir notaðir til að tryggja endurgreiðslu láns; trygging)
    He used his car as security when applying for the loan.
  7. trygging
    They provided security that the project would be completed by the deadline.