
security (EN)

substantiv “security”

singular security, plural securities eller oräknebar
  1. säkerhet
    They moved to a safer neighborhood for their children's security.
  2. säkerhetsåtgärder
    Security at the event was tight, with guards at every entrance.
  3. säkerhetspersonal
    If you see anything suspicious, please inform security immediately.
  4. säkerhet (databehandling, skydd av data mot obehörig åtkomst; cybersäkerhet)
    They need to improve their security to prevent hacking.
  5. en finansiell tillgång som en aktie eller obligation som kan handlas
    The company issued new securities to raise capital.
  6. säkerhet (egendom eller tillgångar som används för att garantera återbetalning av ett lån; säkerhet)
    He used his car as security when applying for the loan.
  7. garanti (säkerhet)
    They provided security that the project would be completed by the deadline.