imenica “security”
jednina security, množina securities ili nebrojivo
- sigurnost
Prijavite se kako biste vidjeli prijevode primjernih rečenica i jednojezične definicije svake riječi.
They moved to a safer neighborhood for their children's security.
- zaštita
Security at the event was tight, with guards at every entrance.
- osiguranje (osoblje ili odjel)
If you see anything suspicious, please inform security immediately.
- sigurnost (računalstvo, zaštita podataka od neovlaštenog pristupa; kibernetička sigurnost)
They need to improve their security to prevent hacking.
- financijska imovina poput dionice ili obveznice koja se može trgovati
The company issued new securities to raise capital.
- Jamstvo (imovina ili sredstva koja se koriste za jamčenje otplate zajma; kolateral)
He used his car as security when applying for the loan.
- jamstvo
They provided security that the project would be completed by the deadline.