
instrument (EN)

名词 “instrument”

instrument,复 instruments
  1. 乐器(用于制作音乐的设备)
    She plays several musical instruments, including the piano and the flute.
  2. 仪器(用于精确工作的工具或器具,例如,外科手术)
    The surgeon carefully selected his instruments before starting the operation.
  3. 仪器
    The laboratory is equipped with sensitive instruments to detect radiation.
  4. 手段
    The internet has become a powerful instrument of communication worldwide.
  5. 正式法律文件
    They signed the instrument to finalize the sale of the property.
  6. 工具(金融,可交易资产或具有货币价值的法律合同)
    The fund manager traded several instruments on the exchange.
  7. 工具(指人)
    He felt like he was an instrument in their political campaign.