संज्ञा “instrument”
एकवचन instrument, बहुवचन instruments
- बाजा़ (संगीत बनावे खातिर इस्तेमाल होखे वाला उपकरण)
साइन अप करीं ताकि उदाहरण वाक्यन के अनुवाद आ हर शब्द के एकभाषिक परिभाषा देख सकीं।
She plays several musical instruments, including the piano and the flute.
- औजार (सटीक काम खातिर इस्तेमाल होखे वाला औजार, जइसे सर्जिकल)
The surgeon carefully selected his instruments before starting the operation.
- यंत्र
The laboratory is equipped with sensitive instruments to detect radiation.
- साधन
The internet has become a powerful instrument of communication worldwide.
- एक औपचारिक कानूनी दस्तावेज
They signed the instrument to finalize the sale of the property.
- साधन (वित्त, एक व्यापार योग्य संपत्ति या एक कानूनी अनुबंध जेकरा में मौद्रिक मूल्य होला)
The fund manager traded several instruments on the exchange.
- साधन (व्यक्ति)
He felt like he was an instrument in their political campaign.