signal (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn, lýsingarorð

Nafnorð “signal”

sg. signal, pl. signals or uncountable
  1. merki
    The firefighter used a whistle as a signal for everyone to evacuate the building immediately.
  2. útvarpsbylgjur (í samhengi við útvarp, sjónvarp, síma og internet)
    The TV stopped working because it lost the signal during the storm.
  3. ljósabúnaður (í samhengi við umferðarljós eða siglingaljós)
    The traffic signal turned green, indicating it was safe to proceed.
  4. vísbending
    The dark clouds in the sky were a signal that a storm was approaching.
  5. gagnlegar upplýsingar (í samhengi við aðgreiningu frá óviðkomandi gögnum)
    As data scientists, we try to distinguish the signal from the noise in complex data.

sögn “signal”

signal; he signals; past signaled us, signalled uk, part. signaled us, signalled uk; ger. signaling us, signalling uk
  1. gefa merki
    She signaled for help by waving her arms frantically.
  2. gefa til kynna
    The dark clouds signalled that a storm was approaching.
  3. blikka (í samhengi við að nota ljós eða handahreyfingu til að tilkynna um beygju)
    He signaled left before merging into the other lane.

lýsingarorð “signal”

signal, non-gradable
  1. eftirtektarverður
    Her signal victory in the science competition earned her a scholarship to a prestigious university.