signal (EN)
főnév, ige, melléknév

főnév “signal”

sg. signal, pl. signals or uncountable
  1. jelzés
    The firefighter used a whistle as a signal for everyone to evacuate the building immediately.
  2. jel (elektromágneses jel)
    The TV stopped working because it lost the signal during the storm.
  3. jelzőlámpa (ha fényjelzésről van szó); jelzőberendezés (általánosabb értelemben)
    The traffic signal turned green, indicating it was safe to proceed.
  4. előjel
    The dark clouds in the sky were a signal that a storm was approaching.
  5. információ (hasznos és releváns adatok kontextusában)
    As data scientists, we try to distinguish the signal from the noise in complex data.

ige “signal”

signal; he signals; past signaled us, signalled uk, part. signaled us, signalled uk; ger. signaling us, signalling uk
  1. jelez
    She signaled for help by waving her arms frantically.
  2. utal
    The dark clouds signalled that a storm was approaching.
  3. indexel (autóvezetés kontextusában)
    He signaled left before merging into the other lane.

melléknév “signal”

signal, non-gradable
  1. kiemelkedő
    Her signal victory in the science competition earned her a scholarship to a prestigious university.