sögn “hang”
nafnháttur hang; hann hangs; þátíð hung; lh. þt. hung; nhm. hanging
- hengja
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She hung her coat on the hook by the door.
- hanga
The picture hangs on the wall.
- hengja upp
They hung the painting in the gallery for everyone to see.
- líma (veggfóður)
We need to hang the new wallpaper in the living room this weekend.
- tefja (með því að vera ósammála)
One stubborn person can hang the entire jury.
- frjósa
My laptop hung while I was working, and I couldn't move the mouse or type anything.
- tapa (skákpeði)
Be careful with that move, or you'll hang your queen.
- vera óvarinn (í skák)
If you move your knight, your bishop will hang.
sögn “hang”
nafnháttur hang; hann hangs; þátíð hanged; lh. þt. hanged; nhm. hanging
- hengja (til dauða)
The criminal was hanged at dawn for his crimes.
Nafnorð “hang”
eintala hang, fleirtala hangs eða óteljanlegt
- hvernig eitthvað lítur út þegar það hangir
The curtains have a beautiful hang that makes the room look elegant.
- skilningur
After a few tries, she finally got the hang of using the new software.