form (EN)
noun, verb

noun “form”

sg. form, pl. forms or uncountable
  1. a kind or category of something
    In the art class, we learned about various forms of painting, including watercolor, oil, and acrylic.
  2. the shape of something or someone
    The ice sculptor carved the block of ice into the form of a swan.
  3. in grammar, a set of words that keep their grammatical function in different uses; the specific structure of a word or part of speech
    The word "run" has different forms, such as "running", "ran", and "runs", depending on its use in a sentence.
  4. how well someone or something is performing
    Her form in the competition has improved significantly since last season.
  5. in the UK, a group of school students in the same grade
    She was excited to start in the fifth form, where she would study more advanced subjects.
  6. a document with spaces provided for filling in information
    Before seeing the doctor, please fill out the patient information form at the front desk.
  7. an established custom or practice
    The wedding followed traditional forms, including the exchange of vows and the cutting of the cake.
  8. the sequence of actions in a religious ceremony
    The priest explained the forms of the ceremony before it began.

verb “form”

form; he forms; past formed, part. formed; ger. forming
  1. to take on a specific shape or structure
    The clouds formed into the shape of a dragon in the sky.
  2. to create a shape or structure in something or someone
    The potter formed a vase from the lump of clay.
  3. to start to exist or appear
    As the dough rested, bubbles began to form, indicating it was ready to bake.
  4. to create or assemble (e.g. a government)
    It will be difficult for the current election winner to form a government.
  5. in linguistics, to create a new word by changing its form
    By adding "un-" to "happy", we form the adjective "unhappy".
  6. to constitute (a part of something)
    Men form 80% of this shop's customers.
  7. to shape or influence someone's character or abilities through education or training
    Years of martial arts training formed her into a disciplined and focused individual.