
wall (EN)
nom, verb

nom “wall”

singular wall, plural walls
  1. paret
    The garden is surrounded by a high brick wall.
  2. mur (de defensa)
    The medieval walls of the city still stand today.
  3. barrera
    They encountered a wall of resistance when they introduced the new policy.
  4. mur (massa opaca)
    A wall of fog rolled in from the sea.
  5. mur (xarxes socials)
    She shared the news on her wall so all her friends could see.
  6. paret (anatomia, una capa o estructura que envolta o delimita un òrgan o cavitat)
    The stomach wall secretes acids to aid digestion.
  7. (esports) en futbol, una línia de jugadors que es col·loquen junts per defensar contra un tir lliure
    The goalkeeper arranged the wall to block the shot.
  8. (nautical) un tipus de nus fet a l'extrem d'una corda
    The sailor secured the rope with a wall knot.

verb “wall”

infinitiu wall; ell walls; passat walled; part. pass. walled; ger. walling
  1. emmurallar
    They walled the courtyard to create a private garden.
  2. (vidjocs) fer trampes veient a través de parets o obstacles en un joc
    The player was kicked out for walling during the tournament.
  3. (disparar a través d'una paret per colpejar un oponent)
    He walled the enemy player to score a surprise victory.
  4. fer un nus de paret
    She walled the rope to prevent it from fraying.