samostalnik “wall”
ednina wall, množina walls
- stena
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
The garden is surrounded by a high brick wall.
- obzidje
The medieval walls of the city still stand today.
- ovira
They encountered a wall of resistance when they introduced the new policy.
- stena (neprosojna masa)
A wall of fog rolled in from the sea.
- zid (na družbenem omrežju)
She shared the news on her wall so all her friends could see.
- stena (anatomija, plast ali struktura, ki obdaja ali omejuje organ ali votlino)
The stomach wall secretes acids to aid digestion.
- (šport) v nogometu, vrsta igralcev, ki stojijo skupaj in branijo prosti strel
The goalkeeper arranged the wall to block the shot.
- (nautical) vrsta vozla, narejenega na koncu vrvi
The sailor secured the rope with a wall knot.
glagol “wall”
nedoločnik wall; on walls; preteklik walled; deležnik preteklik walled; gerundij walling
- obzidati
They walled the courtyard to create a private garden.
- (govorica videoiger) goljufati z gledanjem skozi stene ali ovire v igri
The player was kicked out for walling during the tournament.
- (igre video, sleng) streljati skozi zid, da zadeneš nasprotnika
He walled the enemy player to score a surprise victory.
- zavezati (mornarski vozel)
She walled the rope to prevent it from fraying.