
closet (EN)

名词 “closet”

closet,复 closets
  1. 一个用于存放衣物、鞋子和其他个人物品的小房间或封闭空间。
    She kept her dresses and shoes neatly arranged in the closet.
  2. (比喻)一种保密或隐藏的状态,尤其是关于性取向。
    He decided it was time to come out of the closet and tell his family he was gay.

形容词 “closet”

基本形式 closet,不可分级
  1. 不公开承认或展示的;秘密的。
    She is a closet admirer of his work.

动词 “closet”

不定式 closet; 三单 closets; 过式 closeted; 过分 closeted; 动名 closeting
  1. 把某人关在一个私人房间里进行机密讨论。
    The committee members closeted themselves to decide on the award recipient.