
dog (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “dog”

sg. dog, pl. dogs
  1. собака
    The dog wagged its tail happily when its owner came home.
  2. кобель
    The breeder selected the strongest dog for breeding purposes.
  3. кореш
    What's up, dog? Haven't seen you in a while.
  4. затискач
    He secured the metal beam with a dog to keep it steady.
  5. хот-дог
    We grabbed some dogs and drinks at the fair.
  6. страшко (про жінку)
    They unfairly called her a dog because of her appearance.

дієслово “dog”

dog; he dogs; past dogged, part. dogged; ger. dogging
  1. переслідувати
    The journalist dogged the celebrity for an exclusive interview.
  2. турбувати
    Doubt and fear dogged him throughout the competition.
  3. гнатися
    The policeman dogged the thief through the crowded market.
  4. закріпити
    Be sure to dog down all the hatches before we set sail.
  5. критикувати
    They dogged him for his outdated fashion sense.
  6. (сленг Великобританії) спостерігати або займатися сексуальною активністю в громадському місці
    Authorities are cracking down on people who dog in secluded areas.