case (EN)
isim, fiil

isim “case”

sg. case, pl. cases or uncountable
  1. olay
    In this case, the evidence clearly pointed to the suspect's innocence.
  2. dava (dedektiflik gibi mesleklerdeki özel görev anlamında)
    The lawyer spent the weekend preparing for the new case she was assigned.
  3. hukuki dava
    The lawyer prepared diligently for the upcoming case to ensure his client would be acquitted.
  4. hastalık vakası
    The doctor diagnosed three new cases of chickenpox in the clinic today.
  5. hal (dilbilgisi)
    In the sentence "She gave him a book," "him" is in the dative case, indicating the indirect object of the verb.
  6. kutu (çok sayıda aynı öğeyi tutmak için)
    The warehouse stores cases of bottled water for emergency distribution.
  7. bavul
    She packed her clothes into a large case before heading to the airport.
  8. koruyucu veya saran yapı
    She placed her glasses in a hard case to prevent them from getting scratched.
  9. bilgisayar kasası
    I dropped a mug on my PC, but luckily, the sturdy case protected it from any damage.
  10. harf büyüklüğü veya küçüklüğü (baskıda)
    In the document, the case of the first letter in each sentence was changed from lowercase to uppercase.

fiil “case”

case; he cases; past cased, part. cased; ger. casing
  1. kaplamak veya korumak (bir şeyi sanki bir kasa içine koymak gibi)
    The precious violin was carefully cased in velvet to protect it from damage.