podstatné meno “paper”
singulár paper, plurál papers alebo nepočítateľné
- papier
Zaregistrujte sa, aby ste videli preklady príkladových viet a jednojazyčné definície každého slova.
She needed some paper to wrap the gift.
- list alebo kus papiera
He scribbled his address on a paper and handed it to me.
- noviny
He reads the morning paper over breakfast.
- článok (publikovaný v časopise alebo prezentovaný na konferencii)
The researchers presented their paper on renewable energy.
- esej alebo správa napísaná študentom
She is working on her final paper for English class.
- test (súbor otázok na skúšku)
The students studied hard for the math paper.
- tapeta
They chose a striped paper to decorate the hallway.
- papier (v hre "kameň, papier, nožnice")
He played paper, but I beat him with scissors.
- peniaze, najmä vo forme bankoviek
He's earning good paper at his new job.
- cenné papiere
Investors are buying government paper as a safe investment.
sloveso “paper”
infinitív paper; on papers; min. čas papered; min. príč. papered; ger. papering
- tapetovať
They decided to paper the bedroom with a floral pattern.
- obaliť niekomu majetok toaletným papierom ako žart
On Halloween, the teenagers papered their neighbor's trees.