
paper (EN)
ot, feʼl

ot “paper”

yakka paper, koʻplik papers yoki sanalmaydigan
  1. qog'oz
    She needed some paper to wrap the gift.
  2. qog'oz varaq yoki qog'oz bo'lagi
    He scribbled his address on a paper and handed it to me.
  3. gazeta
    He reads the morning paper over breakfast.
  4. maqola
    The researchers presented their paper on renewable energy.
  5. talaba tomonidan yozilgan insho yoki hisobot
    She is working on her final paper for English class.
  6. test savollari
    The students studied hard for the math paper.
  7. oboy
    They chose a striped paper to decorate the hallway.
  8. qog'oz (o'yinda)
    He played paper, but I beat him with scissors.
  9. Pul, ayniqsa banknotlar shaklida.
    He's earning good paper at his new job.
  10. qimmatli qog'ozlar
    Investors are buying government paper as a safe investment.

feʼl “paper”

infinitive paper; u papers; oʻtgan zamon papered; oʻtgan zamon part. papered; ger. papering
  1. oboy yopishtirmoq
    They decided to paper the bedroom with a floral pattern.
  2. Birovning mulkini tualet qog'ozi bilan oʻrash orqali hazil qilish.
    On Halloween, the teenagers papered their neighbor's trees.