substantiv “paper”
singular paper, plural papers sau neînumărabil
- hârtie
Înscrieți-vă pentru a vedea traducerile exemplelor de propoziții și definițiile monolingve ale fiecărui cuvânt.
She needed some paper to wrap the gift.
- o foaie sau o bucată de hârtie
He scribbled his address on a paper and handed it to me.
- ziar
He reads the morning paper over breakfast.
- articol
The researchers presented their paper on renewable energy.
- eseu sau raport scris de un student
She is working on her final paper for English class.
- test (set de întrebări)
The students studied hard for the math paper.
- tapet
They chose a striped paper to decorate the hallway.
- hârtie (în jocul "piatră, hârtie, foarfecă")
He played paper, but I beat him with scissors.
- bani, în special sub formă de bancnote
He's earning good paper at his new job.
- titluri (documente financiare)
Investors are buying government paper as a safe investment.
verb “paper”
infinitiv paper; el papers; trecut papered; part. trecut papered; ger. papering
- a tapeta
They decided to paper the bedroom with a floral pattern.
- a acoperi proprietatea cuiva cu hârtie igienică ca o farsă
On Halloween, the teenagers papered their neighbor's trees.