संज्ञा “paper”
एकवचन paper, बहुवचन papers वा अगणनीय
- कागज
साइन अप गर्नुहोस् उदाहरण वाक्यहरूको अनुवाद र प्रत्येक शब्दको एकल भाषाको परिभाषा हेर्न।
She needed some paper to wrap the gift.
- कागजको पाना वा टुक्रा।
He scribbled his address on a paper and handed it to me.
- पत्रिका
He reads the morning paper over breakfast.
- लेख
The researchers presented their paper on renewable energy.
- विद्यार्थीले लेखेको निबन्ध वा प्रतिवेदन।
She is working on her final paper for English class.
- प्रश्नपत्र
The students studied hard for the math paper.
- वालपेपर
They chose a striped paper to decorate the hallway.
- कागज (खेलमा प्रयोग हुने हातको संकेत)
He played paper, but I beat him with scissors.
- पैसा, विशेष गरी नोटको रूपमा
He's earning good paper at his new job.
- कागजात (वित्तीय मूल्यको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने)
Investors are buying government paper as a safe investment.
क्रिया “paper”
अनन्त paper; ऊ papers; भूत काल papered; भूत कृदन्त papered; कृदन्त papering
- वालपेपर लगाउनु
They decided to paper the bedroom with a floral pattern.
- कसैको सम्पत्तिलाई मजाकको रूपमा ट्वाइलेट पेपरले छोप्नु।
On Halloween, the teenagers papered their neighbor's trees.